Sunday 22 May 2011

# 071 Persiaran Damuan ASEAN Sculptures( Damuan ASEAN Sculptures)

Istana Nurul Iman in the background

The ASEAN Square in Brunei Darussalam is within the Persiaran Damuan ( Damuan Recreational Park ) covering a one-kilometer long stretch of land sandwitched between Bandar Seri Begawan-Tutong Road and the Damuan River , is about 4 kilometer from the heart of the Capital.

The square has on display the work of a sculptor from each of the original six ASEAN member countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines.

The sculpture's theme ' Harmony in Diversity ' symbolize ASEAN solidarity and aspirations of its member countries, that is love,peace,freedom and mutual respect.The Project was initiated in conjunction with the 4th ASEAN Square Symposium held in Brunei Darussalam in 1986

The works started on 11th January 1986 and were completed on 24th February 1986.

Brunei Darussalam
- Brunei Darussalam
oleh : Morshidi Akip


The World of ASEAN
The concept built around the formation of ASEAN. There was a country represented by square shape and the idea to form an organization by regional grouping with neighbouring countries. The organization  gradually spread on and developed into ASEAN.The differences in direction of the square block units shows the internal diversity of political,cultural, social and economy of each member country.

Matalamat ASEAN - Indonesia
oleh : Husna

The Goal of ASEAN

Penjelmaan Kubah - Malaysia
oleh : Latiff Mohiddin

Untok mengujudkan perhubungan yang harmoni di-antara dua bahagian alam yang symetri tenaga menurun dan menaik di seimbangkan secara pengulangan selanjar.Dalam tumbuhan ia di lambangkan dengan helaian daun, dan dalam seni dan pertukangan melayu, ia di lambangkan dengan corak puchok rebong. Dalam reka bentuk geometri Islam, ia di lambangkan dengan Kubah. Dalam mesyarakat manusia, ia di lambangkan dengan menubohkan sebuah negara baru dan nilai kehidupan yang sehat.

The Emerging Kubah

To achieve a harmonious relationship between two symmetrical halves of nature. By continual repetition to balance its descending and ascending energies. In plants,it is represented by the blade of a leaf, in Malay arts and crafts,it is represented by the 'corak puchok rebong'. in Islamic geometrical design,it is represented by the 'Arch', and in human society,it is represented by the formation of a new nation and healthy quality of life.

Keunggulan Brunei - Philippine
oleh : Eduardo Castrillo

Arca ini menghadap matahari terbit dan Istana Nurul Iman tanda penghormatan. Motif bulan sabit di gunakan untok menyatakan nilai tradisi dan kemudian straktur. Motif ini di perpanjangkan menjadi bentuk berpusing-pusing yang bersambung-sambung menjadi simbol tenaga atom yang seterus nya menjadi tenaga pengerak kepada pembangunan moden. Secara keseluruhan nya penggubahan ini membuktikan keharmonian sebuah negara di kelangan negara-negara lain. Dengan demikian arca ini adalah tafsiran lambang, keunggulan Brunei Darussalam di dalam ASEAN.

Brunei Entelechy

The sculpture faces the sunrise and the Royal Palace as in a gasture of tribute. The motif of the Muslim crescent moon is adopted to signify the value of tradition, and is structurally extended into continuum of swirling forms symbolize atomic energy, as an impetus to modern development. The overall composition as a whole signify the harmony of a nation among nations. Thus the sculpture is a symbolic interpretation of Brunei entelechy

Gambaran Bersatu - Singapore
oleh : Michael Ong Chu kheng

Arca yang berdiri ini umpama sa batang pokok yang tumbuh dengan tegaknya. Terdapat enam bentuk yang melambangkan pertumbuhan dan perpaduan enam negara ASEAN. Negara Brunei Darussalam sebagai Tuan Rumah dan negara terbaharu menjadi ahli ASEAN berada di kedudukan teratas yang berbentuk mahkota yang melambangkan kedudukan Negara Beraja dengan belatarbelakang Istana Nurul Iman.

United Profile

The standing sculpture is like a tree growing vertically upright. These are six forms representing six ASEAN nations' growth and unity. Brunei Darussalam being the host and the latest country to join the ASEAN., takes up the position at the top in the form of a crown indicating a Royalty Nation, with Istana Nurul Iman ( Royal Palace ) as background.

Pergerakan - Thailand
oleh: Saravudth Duangjumpa

Arca ini telah di cipta untok mengambarkan konsep Harmoni dalam Kepelbagaian melalui pengunaan bentuk kejadian geometri dan organik yang berbedza untok mencipta ruang dan bentuk Keharmonian pergerakan yang mengambarkan , melambangkan kegiatan ASEAN. Pengubahan arca kepada dua bentuk mengambarkan sifat bentuk manusia yang tidak sepatut nya hidup menyendiri.


The sculpture has been created to reflect the concept of 'Harmony in Diversity' by means of the different feeling of geometric and organic lives to compose the space and form of harmonization of movements which expresses , reflects, symbolizes the ASEAN activities. The composition of the two masses of the sculpture reflects mankind should not stay in isolation.

Thursday 5 May 2011

# 070 Folio of Brunei Artists, DESAMAS

Senja di Sungai Brunei Artist: Hj.Padil Hj.Ahmad

Kampong Bukit Salat  Artist: Abd.Rahim Hj.Ahmad

Padi field at Wasan Artist: Awang Sitai

Main Congkak  Artist: Abd Rahim Hj.Ahmad

Padian   Artist : Awang Sitai

Wednesday 4 May 2011

# 069 Sekolah Rendah Delima Satu , balik dari lawatan ke Muzeum

# 068 Nandong ( Dragon Fly )

# 067 Little Heron ( Butorides straitus ) 45 cm

during my photo trip to kampong ayer ,
The bird is just lurking for fish under the walkways

Most common in coastal areas, 
Little Herons are small heavily plumage heron,dark blue grey or green grey with darker crown
( blue / black ), pale face markings, streak on breast and narrow buff edges to wing feathers.
Typically solitary,a stand and wait hunter,giving a single loud 'keyaw" in flight.
Found on stream,ponds, marshes,mangroves and seashore. 


  My latest Official Milage Ride with PEMODA  On reaching  21,000 km milage ,  presented by NYDP   PEMODA  Shahrin   Hj Sahbuddin Video Klip...